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Lady with drink thinking - pexels-thirdman-6958489


Upgrade your mind through simple and science backed steps.

Enhance your empathy, communication skills and leadership skills. Empower yourself and become more confident, self-fulfilled and mindful.

By the end of this workshop you will walk away with a collection of tools to drastically transform your potential.

Unleash your inner strength and reduce your dependency on others for your success and happiness.

Your BEST you.

Man laughing_Pixabay


Our patterns define us. It all starts with our mind.
Communication, personal growth, mindfulness, sleep, nutrition and more are all connected to our patterns. This workshop dives into how your patterns are driving your life, often without you realizing it.
Get to know your patterns and address them through a combined change in mindset, well-being and habits.
Reach your potential, enable an innovative mindset and become a happier and more successful YOU.
No membership, no subscription, no app.
Just one comprehensive workshop.



My approach is pragmatic, relatable and to the point. A simple and proven process that will have a lasting impact.

On a personal level, I have been through challenging professional situations, relationships, experienced failures, separation, divorce, a terror attack and have found ways to come out stronger and more resiliant.

I spent the last five years methodically designing and developing this program, where I share the tools and steps I took to master these challenges.

I want you to walk away from this with more confidence and the resources necessary to impact your life and your relationships positively.

Eliot picture round


I’m passionate about personal growth, communications and happiness! I hold a degree in psychology and have taught these subjects for many years at several universities. I have spent over a decade living in London, some time in the USA and now live in Austria the birth place of Freud. I have had the privilege of working with Amazon, BMW, Carlsberg, Canon, Google, H&M, Kellogg’s, Spotify, Skype, Unilever to name a few. Let’s take your potential to a new level.


Eliot's teaching experience

eKarma provided our team significant value with their workshop. We‘re looking forward to the next collaboration and can highly recommend them!

eKarma hat unserem Team mit einem Workshop einen deutlichen Mehrwert bieten können. Wir freuen uns auf die nächste Zusammenarbeit und können sie nur empfehlen!

Markus Inzinger

Founder & Owner, otago

Two happy friends-Asya Cusima


Are you in control of every aspect of your life, except where you are concerned?

Ignoring self-care causes an impact greater than you might think. Unhappiness affects your health and general well-being. The key is a healthy mindset, fostering good relationships, self-love and having more emotional, physical and spiritual energy.

Are you ready for an effortless journey to unlock your BEST you?


In this live workshop we will enable your true empowerment across key connected aspects from owning your mind, communication skills, personal development, nutrition and a positive mindset.

You will learn to adopt the practice of gratitude and mindfulness, by starting with small changes that boost your immune system and mood.

Master your mind and adopt a holistic approach that will help you better manage your old repetitive patterns.

Uproot bad patterns today, and become your BEST you

This was an excellent workshop with practical exercises and worthwhile information that I can use in both my professional and personal life. Very well done and very useful information delivered in an excellent manner. I would highly recommend this eKarma workshop to anyone who is interested in boosting their confidence, increasing their sense of self-worth, and improving their self-awareness and relationships with others. Great stuff!

Maya G.

America's Promise

Thank you for the great workshop! The visual presentation was a real eye catcher. The workshop covered a wide range of topics, which were well presented in a compact format. I believe there is something helpful for everyone to boost their happiness level.

Julia R.

To be honest, I don’t know why the things discussed in the workshop are not communicated to society in a broader way. Eliot manages to change the view of basic things completely. Everyone should try to realize their own potential and develop themselves! “Potential” is a workshop which contains much more than the name suggests at the beginning.

Elias D.

Red Bull

The workshop was a thoroughly interesting and enjoyable experience. Packed with useful tips and information. Visually refined and executed with great attention to detail. I feel I gained new perspectives and strategies regarding the pursuit and development of my potential.

Alex H.

University of Vienna

Ein reichhaltiger Workshop über die wichtigsten Aspekte des Glücklichseins. Motivierend und sympathisch vorgetragen. In kurzer Zeit viele praktische Tipps zum Umsetzen mit auf den Weg bekommen. Absolute Empfehlung!

Nora A.


Vielen Dank für den Workshop! Ich muss wirklich sagen, dass die Folien sehr beeindruckend waren – das Design, die visuelle Gestaltung und Kombination mit den Inhalten, die Unterstützung zu dem, was du gesagt hast. Das war einer der besten Workshops, an denen ich bisher teilgenommen habe!

Auch von den Themen her und den Tipps und Tricks – ich kannte einige schon – eine wirklich gut strukturierte und durchdachte Zusammenfassung. Vor allem die Variation der verschiedenen Bereiche und dass du auf so viele Aspekte eingegangen bist.

Gloria W.


Book your spot at the next virtual workshop

eKarma Potential Workshop

Potential Workshop

2.5 hour interactive group workshop including Q&A

(Silent participation optional)


earphones and tablet

Empowerment Delivered

I’m passionate about empowerment and personal growth, and will keep developing new material.

If you would like to stay informed with an occasional note from me simply sign up.

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Dealing with personal matters is, well, personal. I understand that, and am happy to answer any private questions you may have.

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